Ultimate guide to Results day!


As a student who has experienced a ray of emotions on many results days and many more to follow. Here is my guide to results day. As a envelope with your name is handed to you with the power to determine your future year. The stomach turning prospective may been made a little easier. Also teachers and parents can reflect back on these D-day and sympthaise with teens today.

Night Before : Fill with mindless indulging to forget about results day , however because of your dismantled summer sleeping pattern ,staying wide awak like a light bulb is inevitable. But nerves is a way of making show you are still alive.

To school: Your life will probably flash before your eyes , questions with ridiculus  answers will haunt you and the words ‘pencils downs’ playing over and over again. This is certainly not help at all with people constantly saying good luck.

Opening the envelope: Its finally the moment of truth , so far your body has been running on adrenline over load. In victory or defeat there is a relief of stress and the fact that life goes on. But here the reaction is most important.Here are a couple of reactions

Reaction 1 : Yes!!!! As you get the grades you wanted , fisting pumping ,screams and pride all at the same moment . Young people may call it the feeling of a total BOSS

Reaction 2: Brust into tears ,run away and say oh my God as others try to console you. And like the hunger games a gun goes off to remeber the victims of exams.

Reaction 3: The reaction where it neither yes nor no just a “its alright” and shrug . Most people fall into this catergory . And is probably the best reaction.

The aftermath : Prepare for lots of hugs or eyes of doom and judgement. Teachers and parents may not make their feelings known verbally but body langauge is key. However these results mainly effect you so relax celebrate with the crew singing ” We are all in this together”

Top 10 things that annoy me on results day.

1. The media coverage saying that the grades have inflated and “its too easy these days”attitude.

2. Social Networking is a nightmare twitter and facebook light up like christmas with points and grades flying and selfpity parties.

3. “So… did you get what you wanted “questions?
4. “Omg I got an A I barely studyed” when the have and the bags under their eyes told every tale.
5. Parents who march in with their children.
6. The lack of contact numbers for remarks or appeals.
7. The ‘whats next’ feeling
8. Fake smiles
9. Newpaper data on why exams should been harder
10. Sweating plams

Well that’s my Ultimate guide please comment ,rate and subscribe 🙂