Study Overseas


Study Aboard

Deciding on college is hard enough. What course do you take ? How far is the college ? The cost of tuition? Loans? But many students  may not look overseas, moving away from home is a big step. But why not take  an even bigger step away from home to live in a different country. This dawnting  prospect for most teenagers and parents to travel thousands of miles to another country perhaps learning a different langauge. Travelling forces us to think outside the box by putting us outside of our confort zone

As fees continue to raise in my original planned places in the UK. I came across the colleges in the Netherlands, know usually for cheese and liberal politics. Netherlands is not known for education. Although most dutch citizens often go into higher education.

Studying aboard may not been for everyone , shy and introvert personalities may not take to it so well. It requires some adventurous personality to see beyond your own  borders and gain invaluable experiences some good others less pleasant. The prospect of going aboard is one that excites me :-). Planning is vital and  research saves much needn’t unpleasant experiences. I’m hoping that soon this blog will be a platform where I can share my expat experiences with you guys

If you have any experiences studying aboard please comment below,rate and subscribe. 🙂

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