I went to University…. online




For those who may have read a early post (Khan Academy) in the year may know I’m a firm believe in free education. As tution rises and information becomes more freely available. I can’t help but wonder why some College grads I have spoken with say That they either ‘did not expect their degree content’ or ‘regret thier Major choice’.

Now I can’t be blind when discussing jobs or prospects when finicial times are hard and I’m still in school without understanding of “The Real World”

However I can say to my fellow High schooler to consider their Majors a little more carefully. One way some highschoolers (in their last year) can choose their Majors is by using OpenCourseware . This is when elite College post their video recorded lectures online and materials.  And this has certainly change my chioces by been able to  somewhat preview topics.

That I may be covering next in College has definity helped me in choosing which Courses I can look forward to or stay clear away from. For those who look back with regret its not too late to learn something new and get back into the workfore.

IF your still choosing a Major or Using Opencoursesware Comment below

7 Cloud Computing apps for School/College

Google Drive/Dropbox: As cloud computing takes over harddrives or portable storage. With usb sticks and harddrives is that there is always one horror story of how viruses ,physical damage or both have lead to ost data. Drive and Dropbox eliminate that make those nightmares a thing of the pass 5-15 GB of free  storge plus the much storage supplied after a small fee. I would recommend Google drive as a better application as it has a better sync with your gmail and chrome.

Wunderlist : This is a brillaint To-do list for organization probably the best out there on the app store. Can be sync with your phone and tablet. Notes and collab with college mates on possible project this is excellent , although sync with a IOs,Android,PC,MAC and chrome.

Google Keep/ Calender : Once again Google productive power comes out with a new organising tool , but keep appears like sticky notes to been messy and not as co-ordinated . Keep is relatively new so more feature are yet to come , such an app for a tablet . The sync with gmail as ever is handy for keeping thing to one account meaning less login details to remeber. Google Calender another tool for scheduling.

Evernote. : This was designed specfically in mind for college/students in mind . It great for question papers with out using paper ( great for the enviroment) . A stylus  for ipads or samsung takes some getting used to but eventually starts to feel like a pen.

Anydo . This To-do although not as detail as wunderlist . Its beter run on lower androids OS
and straight foreward it also syncs with chrome ,phone  and tablet.

My Google basis is strongly sense but from experience this works syncing make things a lot easier and saves on space . Also Google updates keep the apps running smoothly.

Study Overseas


Study Aboard

Deciding on college is hard enough. What course do you take ? How far is the college ? The cost of tuition? Loans? But many students  may not look overseas, moving away from home is a big step. But why not take  an even bigger step away from home to live in a different country. This dawnting  prospect for most teenagers and parents to travel thousands of miles to another country perhaps learning a different langauge. Travelling forces us to think outside the box by putting us outside of our confort zone

As fees continue to raise in my original planned places in the UK. I came across the colleges in the Netherlands, know usually for cheese and liberal politics. Netherlands is not known for education. Although most dutch citizens often go into higher education.

Studying aboard may not been for everyone , shy and introvert personalities may not take to it so well. It requires some adventurous personality to see beyond your own  borders and gain invaluable experiences some good others less pleasant. The prospect of going aboard is one that excites me :-). Planning is vital and  research saves much needn’t unpleasant experiences. I’m hoping that soon this blog will be a platform where I can share my expat experiences with you guys

If you have any experiences studying aboard please comment below,rate and subscribe. 🙂