I went to University…. online




For those who may have read a early post (Khan Academy) in the year may know I’m a firm believe in free education. As tution rises and information becomes more freely available. I can’t help but wonder why some College grads I have spoken with say That they either ‘did not expect their degree content’ or ‘regret thier Major choice’.

Now I can’t be blind when discussing jobs or prospects when finicial times are hard and I’m still in school without understanding of “The Real World”

However I can say to my fellow High schooler to consider their Majors a little more carefully. One way some highschoolers (in their last year) can choose their Majors is by using OpenCourseware . This is when elite College post their video recorded lectures online and materials.  And this has certainly change my chioces by been able to  somewhat preview topics.

That I may be covering next in College has definity helped me in choosing which Courses I can look forward to or stay clear away from. For those who look back with regret its not too late to learn something new and get back into the workfore.

IF your still choosing a Major or Using Opencoursesware Comment below

Elon Musk: The mind behind Tesla, SpaceX, SolarCity

A particular new hero of mine , some may even call him the real Tony Stark (Iron man).
Elon Musk is changing the way we see energy and transport. Certainly one of the great minds of our generation. He is self taught entreprenuer leading to many venture in Automotive and Aerospace industry. I believe this is certaonly the future of Automotive and Aerospace in the mind of Elon Musk

What Most Schools Don’t Teach?

This topic came to my attention recently ,when a fellow student and I had a debate with our physics teacher about the value of Computer Science in our 21st Century. I felt strongly about the value of the everyday person understanding how to read and write code however my Physics teacher did not quite understand my enthusiasm for coding to became mainstream and was perfectly contented with only a sub-section of the population  being experts in their field.

Although I respected his stand on the subject I felt that I was missing  pieces that would put my argument together. So after researching a little more I found the video above which explains my stand on the future of Jobs and life itself.

After doing a course which convinced me to start my blog last year that also involved creating  Apps and programming. I learnt to my knowledge that our teenage class was among the very few that had been taught  to code in the country. Until this video came to my knowledge I was probably unable to comprehend the opportunity I had received over those many weeks.

Coming back to my debate with the lecturer. A Future in Jobs also arose during the conversation. My take was that Jobs are ever becoming more computer dependent and writing in code will soon become as valuable as writing  in the English language.  The shocking stats  that 1.4 millions jobs by 2020 will be empty due to the lack of understanding of coding  is immense.


Link to Stats

With stars such as Will.I.am ,Chris Bosh and Ashton Kutcher  partnering along side entrepreneurs such as  Mark Zuckerberg  ,Bill Gates , Richard Branson with the blessing of Steve Jobs  surely the word will spread.

Now I think its time for me to get in on the call to action share with you my readers about learning to code. Having paused for almost a year this is definitely to kick up the pants for me to stop browsing and start creating with my computer something worth while.  This is doesn’t mean you have to be a computer programmer but awareness and understand will certainly go a long way.

If you would like to be involved just check out Code.org and their Facebook or twitter 

Another interesting talk